
Sep 1, 2013

Adventures in Breadmaking and a Declutter Challenge!

I've been wanting to try making my own bread for a long time.  My mom was never particularly "domestic" when it came to baking (we got occasional cookies from scratch, but mostly everything else was from a mix, and never any breads beyond banana bread), so it wasn't something I learned as a child.  I started reading the blog The Simple Dollar for financial tips, and he had a very popular post (based on the number of comments) about baking your own bread.  It's inexpensive, surprisingly not that difficult, and yielded surprisingly good results for my first go!


OK.  So we just moved in not too long ago, and we've been trying to purge as we unpack (most of our belongings were in storage for over two years, and a lot of junk came with us that really shouldn't have) so clutter doesn't immediately invade - tossing items that were broken before/during the move, things with lots of missing pieces, items that didn't survive storage (ask me about ALL my Tupperware/Ziploc plastic food storage melting, sob!) - but things still get cluttered.  My mail inbox is kind of a disaster, I still haven't found places for all my stuff, my pantry is more of a junk closet than food storage, etc., etc.  We also inexplicably transported a LOT of junk mail, clothes and shoes that didn't fit anymore that I've been trying to redirect before they invade the rest of the house and start procreating...  Ugh.

So I stumbled across a De-Clutter Challenge being run by - 91 days to a de-cluttered house?  Count me in!  Like I said, even though we've been here just over a month, I can still use motivation de-cluttering and getting things unpacked into the RIGHT SPOT the FIRST TIME.  So if you're up for de-cluttering with the moral support, helpful guidance, and even the possibility of winning a prize (beyond the awesomely clean house you'll have!), join me for the 91 Day De-Clutter Challenge!

I hope you'll join me!  I'll be posting photos of my progress at the end of each week - I can't wait!

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